HOA Board Meeting – October 2015

10/7/15m 7pm


Board Members: Sam Kashani, Rodney Hunter, Michael Pons, Steve Klein, Chuck Blevins, Larry Tolerson

Management Association: Sally Mooney

Board actions

Public discussion

  • Neighbors and the board participated in a Q&A session

Executive Committee actions

  • The board accepted the resignation of current board secretary, Rodney Hunter.
  • The board unanimously moved for and approved the appointment of Larry Tolerson to fill the vacancy left by
  • The new board consists of:
    • Steven Klein, President
    • Larry Tolerson, 1st Vice President
    • Michael Pons, 2nd Vice President
    • Sam Kashani, Treasurer
    • Chuck Blevins, Secretary
  • Members reviewed last year’s budget and expenses and began reviewing the proposed budget for 2016.
  • Members agreed to a standard meeting time at 7pm the first Wednesday of every month, at the Front Clubhouse.
  • There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4 at the BACK clubhouse

Attached: BHOA_Minutes_1015

Reminder: Pool Rules and information

Pool rules, information — including lost card replacement instructions – can be found on the Brookshire HOA Pool page.

Updated clubhouse rental information

Clubhouse rental information and contract can be found on our Brookshire clubhouse rental page.


Car Break in at the Front Pool

Unfortunately a residents car was broken into at the front pool today. Everyone needs to be aware this has happened and make sure not to leave valuables like purses, MP3 players, cash, etc. visible in their car while at the pool. The HOA Board will be in contact with the WPD asking for stepped up patrols.



Join an HOA Committee

Many residents have asked how they can contribute to the neighborhood. However, volunteers are in short supply.

Brookshire is in need of members for several committees — including swim and tennis. If you’re interested in joining, please fill out the form below.

May Brookshire HOA Board of Directors Meeting

The Monthly Brookshire HOA Board of Directors Meeting will be held Wednesday May 20th at 7pm at the front clubhouse.
This is our standard monthly meeting. The meetings are broken down into three sessions.

  • Session 1: Community Comments (20 minutes).
  • Session 2: Business Session (45-90 minutes – no talking or comments).
  • Session 3:  Executive Session (closed to residents).
    In this session we’ll discuss mainly delinquencies and theses are items that can’t be discussed in an open session for privacy reasons.

Update to Pool Rules on Brookshire Website.

The Brookshire Website, which is currently going through some changes and upgrades, incorrectly stated in the pool rules that children 10 and younger need to be accompanied by an adult. This was changed a few years ago to 12 and younger needed to be accompanied by an adult.

This had been updated on the Brookshire Website, sorry if this has cause in confusion.

The HOA is on twitter


Follow  @BrookshireHOA on Twitter for updates and neighborhood  communication.



The updated Brookshire HOA website is live

Remember, the Brookshire Subdivision Facebook page is an unofficial neighbors-run page. The official site for Brookshire is www.brookshirehoa.com.
Here you’ll find information and documents related to the neighborhood, as well as communications from the Homeowners Board.
The site is live, but we’re continuing to update and add information and features. Stay tuned.

Brookshire Road Paving

REMINDER: Don’t Park on the main road starting Monday.
The City of Woodstock will be repairing and resurfacing from the first stop sign on Ashland Parkway to the Back Pool Entrance. This is currently scheduled on Monday April 13 and the city is asking that we keep the main road clear of cars on paving day.