Posted on November 12, 2019
Monthly HOA Board Meeting – October 2019
Attending: Pons, Kashani, Klien, Blevins, Healy (remote)
Public session
QA: Neighbor inquiry on letters and HOA management
Garage Door discussion: Guest vendor: Dan Watkins, All Four Seasons Garage Doors, investigating standardizing garage doors. (sample doors on
2020 Budget:
Mulch price going up in 2020
Posted on September 3, 2019
Monthly HOA Meeting – August 2019
Attending: Blevins, Healy, Klein, Kashani
Absent: Pons
Association Business
- Financials
- Replacement: $198,334
- Operating: $135,501
- Ratify invoices
- $729.56 bathroom repair
- Committee Reports
- Tennis/Basketball – Tennis social event went well; a good number of 8-12 yo kids interested in lessons. We are working to get enough to start up something. Considering once a year event
- Pool – Closes Sept 8. Key vs card access quotes in progress.
- Clubhouse – Getting painting quotes for front clubhouse interior
- Landscaping
- Action Items
- Janitorial quotes incoming
- Street parking
- Attorney recommendation
- Fence repair quotes
Posted on August 6, 2019
Monthly HOA Meeting – August 2019
- Attending: Kashani, Healy, Klein, Blevins, Pons, and Porche
- Financials
- Replacement fund status: $198,258.60
- Operating fund: $144,493.62
- Tennis/Basketball
- Tennis Social Aug 17th, 9 am-Noon
- Getting quotes for pickleball court striping
- Getting quotes on the potential move of basketball court
- Updating process to utilize the portal
- Landscape
- Violations
- Pool
- Back keycard systems – keep back system down to conserve operating cash.
- Requesting Pool contract fee breakdowns for clarity on overages.
- Pump Sand/repair: $2,250 approved
- Keycards
- Investigating alternative systems to lower total cost of ownership
- Action items
- POA Amendment
- On-going
- Signed signatures provided to Homeside by CMA
- Street/commercial vehicle parking
- Need attorney
- Fence repair
- On-going
- Amenities Update
- Clubhouse income $2,400
- Comms
- POA Amendment
- Misc
- Financials
- Legal Status report
- Compliance report
- Closings
- Financials
- Ratify InvoicesUnited Pool back pool sand/repair $2,250
- Aging Report update
Posted on April 10, 2019
Monthly HOA Meeting – April 2019
- Public session
- CMA Transition
Still require sending of some assets to Homeside
- Financials
- Replacement fund status: $100,012.32 (still incoming from CMA, will change)
- Operating fund: $92,648.73
- Aging Report
- no update
- Updating process to utilize the portal
- Chuck to define processes and document for neighbors
- Landscape
- Violations
- Updates to the process for violation notifications
- Letter 1: You may be aware, but if not please resolve within 10 days
- Letter 2: (if not resolved): You have 14 days to resolve or you will be fined
- Letter 3: (if not resolved): You are now being fined until resolution made
- Homeside spent several hours surveying neighborhood and provided a robust list of violations. Letters pending.
- Updates to the process for violation notifications
- Pool
- Social Events
- June 22 – Spring Fling
- POA Amendment
- On-going
- Signed signatures provided to Homeside by CMA
- Amenities Update
- Have quotes to powerwash monuments and amenities
- Comms
- Misc
- Next meeting May 1,
- Next meeting May 1,
- CMA Transition
- Exec Session
- Legal Status report
- Compliance report
- Closings
- Financials
Posted on March 14, 2019
BHOA & Homeside Properties kick-off
Attendees: Blevins, Healy, Kashani, Klein, Pons, and potential community managers and management of Homeside
Homeside will take over management in April
Expectations: Steve
- The biggest issue is communications and resident customer service
- Timely payment of vendors, reimbursement for expenses
- Being 17+-year-old community, we are facing age issues with homes, mailboxes, and facilities.
- Upkeep of yards, mailboxes, paint, power washing, etc. has been highlighted by neighbors as needing more oversight.
- Processes to ensure better self-service and transmission of ACC and other forms/requests, notifications
- Customer service line for Homeside is centralized, not focused on manager
- Voting – has been impossible to reach 2/3 turnout minimum; options?
Plans: Homeside
- Twice a month on-site
- HOA Now — an online portal for homeowners
- BOD reports – financials, sales, infractions, open work orders, open ACC requests monthly (and online)
- Customer service line for Homeside is centralized, not focused on manager
- What they need from us
- communications
- parameters
- Spring Fling – meet and greet with
new manager, committees, with hotdogs, etc. - Before pictures and next year after pictures to show how the neighborhood has improved under new managment
Posted on March 5, 2019
March 2019 HOA Board Meeting
Attending: Blevins, Healy, Kashani, Klein, Pons
Public Session
- Arch Committee sync with the board
- Processed applications and updates and reviewed any missing or delayed requestors.
- Management Association transition
- 30-day termination notice provided to CMA
- April 1st start with
new company: Homeside Properties - Initial meetings with Homeside management rep next week
Transfe r will continue over the next 30 days.
- Tennis
- fix windscreens
- fix nets
- replace rollers
Posted on February 5, 2019
Feb 2019 Board Meeting
Present: Pons, Kashani, Klein, Healy, Blevins
Public Agendaa
- Management Company Interview
- Interviewed 2nd candidate company
Posted on January 15, 2019
Jan. 2019 HOA Board Meeting
Present: Klein, Kashani, Healy, Blevins; Absent: Pons
- Interviewing new reps for neighborhood and board
- Access to VMS and SmartWebs (enables automatic emails on issues)
- Amenities
- Amenities — get spring Checklist (pressure wash monuments;
february pre emergents ) - Fencing is broken on entry way to right.
- Decorations – To come down
- Amenities — get spring Checklist (pressure wash monuments;
- Social
- Easter Egg hunt is up next
- Comms
- Creating email address for issues/violation
- Looking at email newsletter software
Posted on November 6, 2018
Nov 2018 BHOA Meeting
Association Business
- Landscape
- Limbing trees 2nd week in Nov
- Irrigation to be shut off
- Social Events
- Cookies with Santa, Dec 8
- POA amendment
- Tracking sheet updated
- Amenities update
- Tennis
- programCourt repairs
- Bathroom/storage cleanout
- Bathroom/storage cleanout
- Non-residents amenity usage
- Drafting official notice to Park 9 apartments for unauthorized amenity use by their residents
- Community manager getting pricing
- Tennis
- 2019 Pool Season RFP
- to be sent to various providers
- 2019 Budget Review
- Reserve projects recommended to be complete in 2019 – $39,655
- Communications
- 2018 Annual meeting – 12/4/2018
Executive Session
- Legal Status report
- Compliance Report
- Closings
- Financials
Posted on October 26, 2018
Vote November 6th
Don’t forget to vote in this year’s elections. Voter registration and information can be found at and