Posted on October 11, 2015
HOA Board Meeting – October 2015
10/7/15m 7pm
Board Members: Sam Kashani, Rodney Hunter, Michael Pons, Steve Klein, Chuck Blevins, Larry Tolerson
Management Association: Sally Mooney
Board actions
Public discussion
- Neighbors and the board participated in a Q&A session
Executive Committee actions
- The board accepted the resignation of current board secretary, Rodney Hunter.
- The board unanimously moved for and approved the appointment of Larry Tolerson to fill the vacancy left by
- The new board consists of:
- Steven Klein, President
- Larry Tolerson, 1st Vice President
- Michael Pons, 2nd Vice President
- Sam Kashani, Treasurer
- Chuck Blevins, Secretary
- Members reviewed last year’s budget and expenses and began reviewing the proposed budget for 2016.
- Members agreed to a standard meeting time at 7pm the first Wednesday of every month, at the Front Clubhouse.
- There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4 at the BACK clubhouse
Attached: BHOA_Minutes_1015