Posted on December 14, 2010
Follow up RE: Dues 2011 Notice
Dear Brookshire Residents –
We would like to provide some information regarding the annual dues increase for 2011. We also would like to invite you to join us at the monthly board meetings to openly express your concerns directly to us. During electronic communication – things are lost and therefore direct, face to face communication can be more effective. If you cannot make one of the monthly board meetings, one of the Board members will find a time to meet or speak with you to ensure that your opinions and suggestions are heard and you find the answers you are seeking.
The decision to raise the 2011 HOA dues was not an easy one. In the month of November 2010, the current Brookshire Board members, Sean Kaufman, Keith Ingram, John Szczesniak, and Kevin Boyd, discussed at great length the financial outlook of Brookshire in 2011 and beyond.
First, we don’t know if rainy days are coming. For example if something breaks (like a pool pump) or other unexpected incidents happen, it is best to operate with enough capital to ensure we do not have to assess the home owners for additional unexpected costs during the year. Second, a reserve study was done indicating the amount of money needed to maintain and improve the amenities, and it is the Board’s fiduciary responsibility to the homeowners that this funding is available. Finally, – in the past year the Board did experience increases in foreclosures and unpaid homeowners dues due to the economic crisis facing our country. The HOA dues were not raised because a pergola was constructed. The pergola was funded from the 2010 budget. The HOA dues were not raised because we did not have enough money to operate in 2010. The HOA dues were not raised because of significant increases in energy, maintenance, or landscaping costs. The HOA dues were raised because of the reasons mentioned above.
Thank You,
Kevin Boyd
Treasurer – Brookshire HOA