Yard Signage

While Article VII Section 5 of our Covenants prohibits yard signage (including on vehicles parked in the driveway or street) of any kind without board approval except the customary “For Sale” sign advertising the lot for sale, we understand the election is around the corner and people would like to show support for their respective candidate(s). Signage should be restricted to a reasonable size (typical yard sign size) and quantity – all signage requires approval from the board prior to placement. Signage can be requested to be approved starting on September 7th, 2024 and must be removed 10 days after election day (November 5, 2024).

Please email the board at [email protected] with sign size(s) and the quantity being placed for approval prior to placing them. Any approval for a given size does not also constitute an approval for multiple quantity of that size. Any signage approved must be removed by November 15, 2024.