Updated on June 29, 2020
HOA Monthly Meeting – June 2020
- Call to Order – Establish Quorum
- Approval of Minutes – May 5, 2020
- Attendance: Julie (Phone in), Chuck, Steve, Tara, Sam
- Association Business
- Financials
- Brookshire HOA – Replacement $221,002.19
- Brookshire Operating – $262,662.83
- Resale – Resale
- Aging Report
- Financials
- Committee Reports
- Tennis/Basketball
- Can tennis drill can resume
- Pools
- Pressure washing furniture and deck
- Signage to be installed by FastSigns from Alpharetta
- Checking on the supplies for cleaning sent to Tara
- Dumpster needs to be dumped
- Access to be completed 6/3 –Chuck and Jeremy to meet access guys for instruction
- can call Julie if needed
- Email to neighbors about access and checking account
- Residents must swipe to enter pool – will register the card. Then they must have wrist band or will be verified by spreadsheet with balances verify they can get a band
- Clubhouse
- not yet opening.
- Landscaping
- Invoice from Roots to remove the boxwoods
- Tennis/Basketball
- ARC Report
- Action Items
- Fee issues
- 490 of 625 have paid
- @20 payment plan
- @80k unpaid