Posted on April 10, 2019
Monthly HOA Meeting – April 2019
- Public session
- CMA Transition
Still require sending of some assets to Homeside
- Financials
- Replacement fund status: $100,012.32 (still incoming from CMA, will change)
- Operating fund: $92,648.73
- Aging Report
- no update
- Updating process to utilize the portal
- Chuck to define processes and document for neighbors
- Landscape
- Violations
- Updates to the process for violation notifications
- Letter 1: You may be aware, but if not please resolve within 10 days
- Letter 2: (if not resolved): You have 14 days to resolve or you will be fined
- Letter 3: (if not resolved): You are now being fined until resolution made
- Homeside spent several hours surveying neighborhood and provided a robust list of violations. Letters pending.
- Updates to the process for violation notifications
- Pool
- Social Events
- June 22 – Spring Fling
- POA Amendment
- On-going
- Signed signatures provided to Homeside by CMA
- Amenities Update
- Have quotes to powerwash monuments and amenities
- Comms
- Misc
- Next meeting May 1,
- Next meeting May 1,
- CMA Transition
- Exec Session
- Legal Status report
- Compliance report
- Closings
- Financials